Friday, November 19, 2010

We got a puker....

Last night the kids were all tucked in for the night and about 8:00, the son comes out and says he doesn't feel good.  I just assume that he's stalling bed time and tell him to go get the puke bucket and get back in bed.  As he's walking back to his room he says his stomach really hurts and proceeds to puke about 5 times.  There is nothing worse that cleaning up a pukey bed in the middle of the night, so usually when one of the kids are sick, I sleep with them on our sofa bed.  So we pull it out and get settled in for the night.

Now let me just tell you about the sofa sleeper.  My husband will tell you that it's so so comfortable because it's not like the old ones with the metal bar in the middle.  He'll explain to you that they make them different now and it's just like a regular bed.  But let me tell you - he's never slept on it.  It is awful.  You know when they are about to pour concrete and they have all the metal bars laid out to pour the concrete over.  Picture laying a sleeping bag over that and then sleeping on it.  That's about how comfortable it is.

So we are all settled in, my son is all snuggled up against me because it's the greatest thing ever to be sleeping with mom on the "magic bed".  He's talking and blowing that sour, pukey breath on me.  I'm trying to be sympathetic but I'm dreading the night ahead of me.  At this point he seems fine and he's telling me in minute by minute play of his day at school.  I convince him that we need to stop talking and go to sleep and I shut all the lights and TV off.

I have a night light in the kitchen on but he informs me that he is SO scared of the dark and needs to be stuck to me like glue.  Here's how the conversation unfolded....

"Mom, I'm so scared, it's so dark in here"
"There's nothing to be afraid of, I'm right here and it's not that dark"
"But mom, it's so dark I can't see if there are monsters coming at me"

I get up and make the night light brighter.  Climb back into the metal bar hell and tell him to go to sleep.

"Mom, I'm still really scared and one time when I was scared I had a nightmare and I was crying and you didn't hear me and I kept calling you and you didn't hear me and I was so scared"
"No more talking, go to sleep"
"Okay mom, I love you but I'm still really scared. I have to lay right next to you"
"No more talking, go to sleep"
"Okay mom but..."

All is quiet and I think he may be dozing off.

"Mom, can I say one more thing"
"WHAT - one thing then good night!"
"I just tooted and I think a little poop came out.  Good night."


  1. Luckily - it was a false alarm!

  2. You need to put a warning on this: "Do not read while eating". I just spewed apple chunks all over my monitor.

  3. Thanks for sharing! It sure brings back memories of raising our girls .
