Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Charlie Nipple

Charlie Nipple - not a very common name but definitely the name that got me to finally start a blog.  My kids are pretty funny.  I know everyone thinks that, but mine really are.  Don't get me wrong, they can be total brats too but they make me laugh on a daily basis.  My son is the family clown.  He'll tell you himself that he loves to make people laugh.  And most of the time, he's not even trying which makes it even funnier.

For quite a while, I've been posting funny stories on FB and everyone says "I hope you're writing these down" so I thought - what better place than a blog. I'm sure it will catch on like wild fire and I'll be as famous as my favorite blogger The Pioneer Woman.  I'll be having book signings and be on Good Morning America before you know it!

The story that finally convinced me to start this follows....I hope you enjoy it!

The daughter came home from school and noticed we had cherry kool aid and 7up on the counter.  A rare occasion to have both at the same time.  She really wanted a "Shirley Temple" other wise known as a Kiddie cocktail in my day.  Being the cool mom that I am, I mixed one up and asked her brother if he wanted one.  Nope - he was happy with milk.  About an hour later he comes out to the kitchen and said "Mom, I'm ready for one of those drinks now - give me a Charlie Nipple".  Of course, he didn't realize he'd totally screwed up the name making it all the funnier!  

Stay tuned for more fun and tidbits of our life!

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome! I am so happy you decided to do this. I do think you are going to be famous!!! Don't forget me when you are. Can't wait to see the next entry.
