Friday, September 12, 2014

An anniversary poem....

I'm a bit of a "closet" Kardashian watcher.  I recently saw the episodes leading up to Kim and Kanye's wedding.  She gifts him with Selfie books all the time.  Well, I have not mastered the selfie yet but then I heard that Kanye wrote her a song.  It's pretty stupid but it got me thinking that I could write my beloved a love poem for our anniversary.  I used to always write little poems or sayings to go with gifts but haven't in a long time.  So I wrote this little ditty for my man and thought I would share it with all of you.  It's totally cheesy and totally us.  Also, he hasn't even read this yet because he's at work.  But....he also keeps telling me that my blog should make us famous so I know he won't care that I shared it here first.

We started dating way back in high school,
You had a mullet and were oh so cool.
I was shy and much thinner,
Who knew our love would be such a winner?

We got married on a sunny September day,
Hundreds traveled from far away.
We’ve now been married for 16 years,
Through laughs and smiles and even tears.

When I’m PMSing you let me be crazy,
And when I’m tired you don’t care if I’m lazy.
You don’t complain when the house is a mess,
And you like my sweats instead of a dress.

I hate when you pee all over the toilet seat,
And you can’t stand to be near my feet.
Does this make us even?  Who’s keeping track,
Because I know you’ll always have my back.

Sometimes you annoy me and think you’re so funny,
But at the end of the day, I still love you honey!
You laugh because I always have to have the last word
But that’s just who I am, haven’t you learned?

We’ve made it through Dave Ramsay, Lamaze class and so much more,
Life with you is never a bore.
You’ve made me try things I never thought I’d do,
Like fishing and camping to name a few.

I love you every day more and more,
Even when you get mud all over the floor
You love me through the eye rolling and all of my drama,
I’m so happy to be your baby’s mama!