Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My (current) favorite things

Since I was such a hater in my last post, I thought I would leave you with a more "Oprah" like post about my favorite things.  Fortunately for you, my items are either free or within my "Dave Ramsay" budget.

1.  Pinterest - I'm slightly addicted.  Best. Website. Ever.  Seriously, so many ideas that I would have never thought of.

2.  Stupid infomercials - my fave right now is   Ridiculous.

3.  Caress Body Wash - love it.  Remember the old commercials - "Before you dress, Caress"  Well I do and I love it.

4.  Rain-X - Actually that should say "when my husband puts rain-x on my windshield"  Not only does it make me feel like he loves me but the rain and bugs literally fly off my windshield.  If that's not romance, then I don't know what is.

5.  The movie "Elf"  It's almost time to break it out.

6.  Cappucino protein shakes.  They complete my morning in this cold weather.

7.  Eddie Bauer Yoga pants at Sam's Club for $9.99.  I have no intention of doing yoga but if I did, they aren't the low rise ones so I wouldn't be sporting the plumber look.  Also - they are the softest pants ever.

8.  Texting - how did I live the past 34 years without it?

9.  When my 6 yr. old son sings Adele.  I'm pretty sure others would think he has Tuerets but it's hilarious.

10.  - love it for editing pictures.  I have Photoshop but am still learning everything on there so this is a quick editing site and it's free!

11.  The feather my daughter got for her hair.  It was on clearance and it's the clip in kind not an extension so it's a win-win for both of us!

12.  Girlfriends - when old or new, no girl should be without them. 

13.  Excedrin Tension - best headache medicine ever.

14.  Fall - reminds me of when I was a kid going to the apple orchard in Henry, includes my favorite holiday (Thanksgiving) and I love the weather

15.  Boots - this is a love/hate.  I love them but have yet to find a pair that I don't look totally ridiculous in.  The Ugg looking ones don't work because I've broken both feet and can no longer bend them flat to get them on.  And then the tall zip up ones are way too tall for my short legs.  They go up over my knee and I look like Elasti-girl from The Incredibles.

So that's it for now.  I know I should have more "products" on here so you could all rush out and buy them.  But if you just want to send me money for my ideas - that works too!

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