That title just pulls you in doesn't it? Could I be talking about those cute little white paper cups at bridal showers or a piece of sports equipment? Well, unfortunately for you, I'm talking about the later.
Today we did a little shopping. Me and the girl went to Michael's for some crafts so my husband and the boy went to Dick's Sporting Goods. They were supposed to be looking at batting helmets but apparently got distracted by other items. We were driving home and my son said "Hey mom, guess what I saw at the store? There was this thing called a NUT CUP and it's for your nut which is another word for your weiner which is another word for your bad spot."
Me - "Wow, it sounds like you and your dad had some fun shopping."
I then turn to my husband who is cracking up and ask at what age the boy needs to start wearing a cup. I mean really, he's only 7 but if he ever finds a girl in the way way future who meets his mama's approval, I would like some grandkids. My husband goes on to explain that he never wore one, just a jock strap.
Now I will be the first to admit that I know very little about sports. All this stuff with my son is new to me. There's all this equipment to buy, every sport needs its own kind of shoes, it's all a bit overwhelming. So of course I had questions about the jock strap.
Me - "So, do you just wear a strap or do you wear it with underwear?"
Husband - "Well you are supposed to wear it by itself"
M- "What? So you butt cheeks are just hanging out?"
H - "Yes, kinda like a thong but the strap is below your butt"
The kids are now cracking up. Yes, we are horrible parents.
M - "That's really gross, is there any strap that goes up the middle?"
H - "No (he's getting agitated) haven't you ever seen a jock strap?"
M- "Um, no, whose jock strap would I have seen?"
H- "You had a brother that played sports"
M - "Yes, but it's not like he walked around in it or left it laying around!! How about when the time comes, you just take care of all that business and I won't worry about it"
The boy picks this time to pipe up and say "Hey mom, why don't they just call it a nut strap?"
And folks - that's how we roll on a Saturday night.